Blue Plastic Tracks

Full Version: Plarail stuff
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[Image: z3136139993844-79d64e28e49e346f2ac83b760e2cf9d8.jpg]

Just bought these second-hand Plarail Shinkansen 500 series, sans the motor car. The condition is surprisingly very good and clean, and it features the  w r o n g  rear light for 500, as the red light should have been lit from inside the cabin, not from the same socket as the forward light.
What makes me want to buy these, however, is the chassis, as I had explained before in another thread, the chassis of my other 500 is missing. After some modifications, the full train is ready to ride the blue rails.

[Image: z3136139999702-603cceeeacf3adafad02965c5f994232.jpg]

Also it looks like the newer one I bought was an earlier version of this S-02 Shinkansen 500, possibly, with different roof color, pantograph hump and electrical path color?