Blue Plastic Tracks

Full Version: 3D Road Pieces???
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Anyone know of any 3D printed Tomy Roadway track pieces. Unusual ones like double lane straights and double curves?
I could probably make some if somebody would be kind enough to provide measurements ;]
(I only have the hit toy road pieces)
Thanks Dr Mopp
I would imagine you would have to have some to make sure they could snap together. I wonder if there are already some designs out there?
I haven't found any yet, only some for the similar but later 'Tomica System'. I will keep searching.
Many thanks Dr Chris

Come to think of it any Road track that would fit the Motorized vehicles that are double lanes would be worth a look at. Double lane pieces would take up less room and allow a layout to have two way traffic.
I would love to have some if they can get printed someday.