Blue Plastic Tracks

Full Version: Gator variations
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I was recently looking at Kmart when a Gator caught my eye...
I didn't remember him being so colorful..
He had bright orange striping and a dark green lower half of his boiler that really contrasted the his kelly green body...
I took a picture of it to compare to the one I already have, then stashed it to come back and buy if my suspicions were correct...
They were right, but when I went back it was goneSad...
The difference is night and day!!
Mine is devoid of ANY significant other colors...even the wheels are kelly green.
The pin striping is a orangish dusty gold color and the boiler all one color...
The two side by side are vastly different, and with having multiple differences in variance, I would have to say there are TWO versions of Gator...
Colorful Gator and Plain Gator.

Plain Gator
Howdy Muddy Poppins!

I know that situation; there were two variants of Gator, and the first had him manufactured without his dark green stripe.

I've several spares of the recently released Gator with the dark green stripe if you would like to message me an offer for one.
wow! pretty neat, I didn't catch this. so many little time