JRFreight Container 19D-12825

1 Replies, 544 Views

Come on Plarail, you know you want to.....

[Image: Itatrain.jpg]
Not sure if they would ever do it for Plarail, maybe TOMIX N Guage.  But there is Sara Camella who modifies her plarail with stickers including containers.  She posts the illustrations so people can print them out on a sticker label and affix them to their Plarail.

Sara's Plarail art is here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/7259571

Example: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115245715
Host of the J! Tetsudo Mokei (鉄道模型) Podcast
Main YT channel: http://kndydesu.com
Tetsudo Mokei & Tomica Podcasts are located here: http://tetsudomokei.com
(This post was last modified: 08-26-2024, 04:07 PM by KNDYNT2099.)
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