Hayabusa and Komachi trains somehow detached

3 Replies, 1543 Views

Just saw this on the news (Japan) this morning, Hayabusa and Komachi detached.  Fortunately, no injuries.

Host of the J! Tetsudo Mokei (鉄道模型) Podcast
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[-] The following 3 users Like KNDYNT2099's post:
  • HanoibusGamer, MrKirby48, Super
Wow...how fast was it going when detached? Mechanical failure or human error?
And for illustration, yes they indeed used Plarail trains to recreate the detachment.
(They didn't even try to couple them even though couplers exist on the trains)

Hunting Shinkansen for life (but not at all costs) :>
[-] The following 3 users Like HanoibusGamer's post:
  • JustTylerHere, KNDYNT2099, Super
Must have been going pretty slow if the trains stopped so close. Which is fortunate as, if it was going as fast as it can it surely would have been a major disaster.

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